
THE DREAM MACHINE EXPERIENCE. A music-driven Mixed Reality experience by Nona Hendryx that combines augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and game-like features to create imaginative worlds rooted in Afro-Futurism where communities can identify, gather, grow and heal the Past in the Present for the Future. An ambitious synthesis of future-forward and intergenerational storytelling, THE DREAM MACHINE EXPERIENCE invites us to imagine another world is possible.

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In this world, our audiences become




Dream Machine is an ambitious leap forward into the future of entertainment, music, art and immersive experiences.  It combines multiple art forms, media, and disciplines to offer a world conceived by Nona Hendryx and collaborators in which historical and current artist’s bespoke experiences include performances, games and storytelling. Although it can be experienced solo, it is intended to be a shared experience because ‘All of us are smarter than any of us’.

The Dream Machine is a time travel music-driven experience in which you are immersed in Afrofuturism - including an Afro Futuristic Garden and multiple AR portals exploring the grounds of the installation venue or in a fantastical 3D environment in a VR headset or computer. You, a Dreamer, ultimately attend a performance starring a featured artist in the virtual venue known as The Crown.  On your way there, you traverse some of the different Artists 'bespoke spaces, interacting with their past, present, and dreams of the future.

In Nona Hendryx's Dream Machine, Dreamers interact with audiovisual objects, explore different environments, and discover stories about the musical legends whose concerts you will experience in The Crown.

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Virtual Reality

The six Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences in Dream Machine are music-driven journeys you have in a fantastical 3D environment.

Thrilling virtual performances await in the Crown with avatars designed in partnership with some of Hendryx's most electrifying collaborators including George Clinton, Laurie Anderson, Vernon Reid, and Skin (Skunk Anansie Band)

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Augmented Reality

The second installation is an Augmented Reality (AR) Experience ‘The Bridge’, leads from the Afro Future Garden to the Dream Machine VR experience. The path between two worlds, one physical and one virtual.

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The Afro Future Garden installation is an immersive experience, designed by visual artist Mickalene Thomas, a vibrant, afrofuristic landscape imagined in collaboration Nona Hendryx and botanical artist Lutfi Janania. Dream Machine Experience introduces Terasem’s Bina48, the world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) humanoid robot based on personality and features of an African American woman.




Behind the scenes was fascinating and challenging. The exciting virtual performances in the Crown with avatars designed in collaboration with some of Hendryx’s long-time friends including George Clinton, Laurie Anderson, Vernon Reid, Skin (Skunk Anansie Band) and recent AI friend, The Beautifier, Bina48’s Avatar pushed and sparked our imagination and inspired everyone involved.

Dream Machine poster
Dream Machine icon Dream Machine QR code

Scan the Qr Code to activate
the dream machine ar poster




Afro Future Garden Atrium

Chanakya School of Craft

Afro Future Garden Artistic in collaboration with Mickalene Thomas Studio Atrium

Raja Ghanta

Vice President – Growth & Special Projects to Atrium team.

Augmented Reality

Delaney Washington

Act 2.5 Ballerina Avatar

Rusty Gillette

Drumhop Productions - Grass Dance Song 4 By Mandaree

Patrick Lachman & VO

Music Composer - Virgil Ortiz, Recon Watchmen

Patrick Gamble

George's Mocap Performer

George Gillette

Grass Dancer

George Clinton & P-Funk

The Mothership

Sekou Luke

BTS Documentary & San Juan Hill Video Editor

Virtual Reality

Daniel Bedrosian

Additional Composition and Musical Arrangements for George Clinton’s Funkmasta VR Experience

Jeremy Lucas

Mix and Master Engineer

Francesca Harper

Movement Direction / Bina48 Performer

Nia- Simone Egerton

Additional Sound Design and Music Production

Allison Costa

Cyboracle's motion capture pre tests & Movement Lab residency assistant.


Bruce Duncan

Management of Bina48 the Humanoid AI Robot and Managing Director of the Terasem Movement Foundation Inc

Loudspeaker Music Group

Music Clearance

Walsh and Tsempelis



Atrium Technical Production




Lighting & Projection


Motion Capture filmed at ZeroSpace, Brooklyn, NY.


Volumetric Capture filmed by Evercoast, in support of NYU Tandon School of Engineering Special thanks to Onassis ONX


Ford Foundation Logo
Doris Duke Logo
The New School Logo
Creative Capital Logo
Movement Lab Logo
Brown University Logo
Mellon Foundation Logo
Summer for the City Logo
Barklee College Logo
New York University Logo

Artistic Support

The Dream Machine Experience is commissioned by Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.

Artistic support for The Dream Machine Experience is provided by the Mellon Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, Doris Duke Foundation, Creative Capital, Brown Arts Institute at Brown University, The New School, The Terasem Movement Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Chanakya Foundation, JoAnn K. Chase and Gordon Vene Klasen of Michael Werner Gallery.

This work was developed, in part, under the auspices of an Artist Residency at the Movement Lab in the Milstein Center of Barnard College and Berklee College of Music.

Special Thanks to JoAnn K. Chase for her support of the Native Land AR activation.

Dreamers Merchandise

Purchase your Dream Machine Merchandise

License Enquiries

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